
  • The New Perspective in Theology and Religious Studies

    The New Perspective in Theology and Religious Studies (NPTRS) is a journal of theology, which is published twice in a year to promote theological and religious studies. Submitted articles will be read by two blinded reviewers. Editorial boards acknowledge the significant contribution from the readers to evaluate and improve the articles published in the Journal of NPTRS.

    ISSN 2722-9718 (online)

    Editor in Chief: Robby Igusti Chandra, S.Th, M.A, M.A.Th., D. Min.

    Managing Editor:
    1. Dr. Nofia Hudaya, M.A
    2. Dennie Olden Frans, M.Th

  • Lensa

    Lensa, terbitan ini berisi artikel bidang ilmu pendidikan diterbitkan secara berkala 6 bulanan